Kaplan’s mtb trails are in great shape. Skinny tires will be just fine. Keep your eyes out for sticks and low branches.
Trail Conditions 5/1
May 1st. Trail conditions. Trails are ok to ride. Dry and tacky in some spots. Fat bike is better than skinny tires. Trees have been removed, but with this wind we will have sticks and branches down. We should dry up nicely this week.
Trail Conditions 4/28
Kaplan’s Woods MTB Trails – CLOSED (WET): Rain again. Trail is pretty wet already, so will need a little time to dry out. I’ll be out of town, so use your best judgement! Looking good for next week! (via trailbot.com)
Trail Conditions 4/26
Kaplan’s Woods MTB Trails – PARTIALLY OPEN: Trails are good to go for the most part. Corners are greasy in places and some wet spots near the walking trails. Scott’s Scrambler has significant rutting with standing water; please bypass by taking the return trail at Rendezvous Point (G). Tree down past Rendezvous Point that will […]
OTA Meeting
Tonight! Open to all members (or prospective members).
Trail Conditions 3/20 – CLOSED FOR SEASON
Kaplan’s Woods MTB Trails – CLOSED FOR SEASON: Looks like spring is upon us. If you’re an early riser, feel free to ride when the trails are frozen, but please do not ride soft or muddy trails. Fingers crossed for a quick shift to dirt season! (via trailbot.com)
Trail Conditions 3/12
3/12. Trail update I groomed this morning. With the temps up and down I’m not sure how the trails are going to hold up. The deer have also decided they want to use the trail for moving and sleeping witch tends make it rough for riding. Get out and enjoy.
Trail Conditions 2/27
Kaplan’s Woods MTB Trails – CLOSED: 2/27. Mountain bike Trail conditions I groomed Sunday night trying to setup the trail up for the rain and freeze. If we can get people to stay off the mtb trail until after a good freeze. The trail should end up setting up nice. The ridge line is also […]
Trail Conditions 2/18
Kaplan’s Woods MTB Trails – OPEN (CAUTION): Open, riders report that Ridgeline is very icy. Consider skipping if you don’t have studs, and maybe even if you do. (via trailbot.com)
Trail Conditions 2/15
Kaplan’s Woods MTB Trails – OPEN: Trail update: Surprisingly good trail conditions. The main trail is perfectly ridable without studs thanks to the light snow that has bonded to the trail. There are a couple of isolated icy spots due to puddles/wet spots freezing over, but they are easily manageable. The ridgeline is mostly ridable […]